Opportunity Spotlight: All Gas No Brakes

We here at Starts With You are excited to welcome a long time partner and entrepreneur into the spotlight of what we’ve been working towards.  Jorge De La Cruz has started a team as an account manager in his direct marketing firm in Deer Park, New York.  He is looking to expand and has reached out to us to spread his message to more people in the area.  Here’s what he had to say:

“Change is difficult, but being the reason for change is even harder. Things that are the most rewarding in life usually come with challenge and if you can’t endure one than you’ll miss out on the other. I’m looking to make a difference in my society and put it the work ethic, drive, and consistent grind until I can reach that goal.”

Jorge’s team is called All Gas No Brakes and is very much focused on setting smart goals and achieving them through whatever means necessary.  As an account manager in his marketing firm he has already trained multiple people to hit their goals in the business and is looking to form his own team of driven individuals.  He goes on to say,

“What I’m looking for is for someone who isn’t satisfied with the status quo. Someone who also wants change. Change for their family, their friends and most importantly themselves. Become the person you think you are in your head, using this vehicle to success” he says.  Through our platform anyone on Long Island will be able to reach out to Jorge with any questions about the opportunity and potential jobs in the resources listed below.
Like we have talked about a lot here on Starts With You, this opportunity is for that of a direct marketing associate.  Working directly with customers and providing feedback for clients as well as gaining experience in the professional world.  There are a variety of positions available at All Gas No Brakes so be sure to ask questions either here or by emailing us through the application.
Please upload your CV in PDF format.

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