FlexJobs Review – Is It Worthwhile In 2021?

Working from home is not a new concept. People have been starting online businesses and telecommuting since the early 2000s, so it isn’t something that suddenly appeared in 2020. What did change was the amount of people looking to create their own schedules, control their income, and the necessity to work from home due to the pandemic. There has been an influx of people looking to jumpstart or revitalize their career for the start of 2021 and Flex Jobs claims to be the perfect platform to do just that.

What Is FlexJobs?

FlexJobs is a membership platform dedicated to providing its users with lucrative remote working opportunities. The crew at FelxJobs research and investigate every one of their opportunities to make sure the users can focus on finding the right fit for them. This means no get rich quick scams, pyramid schemes, or anything else that comes from finding employment on the internet that nobody wants a part in.

With thousands of companies to choose from, and 50+ industries to look within, the options are very expansive. The jobs also range from entry-level to upper management so there are opportunities for everyone to look at. The site prides itself on providing remote work that stands out among the classic freelance and copywriting jobs.

Who Benefits From FlexJobs?

Anyone can use the site since the jobs listed can use all levels of experience and qualifications. The best thing to keep in mind while using FlexJobs is to stay flexible. There might not be a listing for a dream job users are looking for, but broadening the search a bit can reveal great opportunities only a few clicks away. The platform focuses on remote jobs so there obviously wouldn’t be work available in every industry/sector but the variety is deeper than that offered by sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

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There are a lot of jobs that are full time positions with benefits and insurance offered by the company so the jobs offered by FlexJobs are a bit more in demand than those found on freelance or part-time sites. Because of this, FlexJobs users are generally looking for more committed employment opportunities instead of ways to generate side income or hired commissions.

The site’s options for searching and clarifying jobs are very in depth and suited for job searching. You can select the level of remote work, the qualification level, travel opportunities and even if the business has won awards on the platform or not. It’s important to mess around with the search settings in order to find the perfect fit!

What’s It Cost?

FlexJobs has a few options for pricing that give access to all their features. To start, a lot of users choose the week trial which costs $6.95. This gives users all the capabilities of the platform for a low price but only for a week. The next upgrade is the month long option which costs $14.94 a month. It’s a bit more than twice the week option, but four times as long so the value is apparent. The most popular option is their 3 month option for $29.95.

A lot of people wonder where the money goes since the site just provides job listings, and FlexJobs is very open about their policies. The reason the subscription costs as much as it does is because the site has people research and review each individual listing on their platform. Going through hundreds of listings a day takes a lot of manpower and time so it makes sense that these pay walls are implemented.

With that subscription, users are guaranteed unlimited access to all of their listings, skills testing to verify qualifications to employers, and a personalized portfolio to boost resumes, among a bunch of other features. Not only this but they also guarantee that users won’t encounter any scams or illegitimate business practices.

Users also get discounts to different outlets like Amazon, Grammarly, Six Flags and so many more. Another sweetener to make the deal hard to pass up.

The Verdict

Upon looking over their service it seems all up to speed and as if they set their standards very high. As a resource it’s very versatile and useful for certain people but it is not meant for everyone. To break down everything mentioned before:

Hand-screened jobs means no scams to be afraid ofNot every job is work from home
Extensive options for search and result optimizationPayment from employers is not always listed or guaranteed by FlexJobs
Tons of user perks and extra resources to find employmentLack of ability to interact with the community
Money-back guarantee, low price, and easy cancellation processNo Guarantee to find a job

The pros overall outweigh the cons and with only a $7 price tag to try the service out, it’s definitely worth it for certain users. People who are looking for long time employment and the ability to work from home benefit the most from this service. It’s a great way to find remote work that might not be as flexible as starting your own business, but still cutting out a commute to an office.

As an overall product, FlexJobs gets a 4.5/5 for customer satisfaction and security

Learn more about FlexJobs HERE

For more information on starting a freelance business or just being able to work autonomously from home, check out our other articles on the subject!

RELATED: Best Side Hustle Ideas For 2021

8 thoughts on “FlexJobs Review – Is It Worthwhile In 2021?

  1. This is a well-detailed review, which provides all the relevant information for an online opportunity seeker or entrepreneur.  FlexJobs is a platform worth looking into for flexible or permanent job opportunities. There’s there is a massive influx of online opportunity seekers, home based and all kinds of remote jobs, and varieties of fields. Everyone is geared toward having a second income-generating job since the COVID-19 job challenges. I believe that next year will witness another online activity surge. Besides, many workers are realizing that there is much they can do with their lives and talents than the 9 – 5 lifestyle.

    Looking at the pros and cons of the FlexJobs, I think that it is a good platform to try what is possible with an affordable cost of $7. And with expansive options, there is nothing to be skeptical about.

    Thanks for this review, very valuable.

  2. I really like this article a lot. You explained everything in detail and that for me is a huge plus. The platform you presented is pretty interesting to me and I am curious to find out how it works. I love platforms like these that offer people some work and are not scams like many other ones. Thanks for this useful article and have an amazing success with it.

    1. FlexJobs prides themselves in creating a worry-free experience for their users.  Not having to sift through job postings for scams and illegitimate businesses makes life a lot easier

  3. Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this.  Reading this article about flex job review- is it worthwhile in 2021 sounds really exciting. Those reviews were awesome and I enjoyed reading it. It was indeed educative and informative 

  4. Haha thanks for the article my guy! Ya know, I can’t say I’ve ever heard of flexjobs. After reading this, I can;t say I’d consider them either. Honestly, I prefer Wealthy Affiliate! I think they’re the most dependable service out there for making money online. Nevertheless, thanks for the review! 

    1. Thanks for the feedback!  Everything depends on what you need.  Some people want to start their own business and others want to advance the career they already have.  It’s just great to know that there are tools for everyone and their different needs.

  5. Your review of FlexJobs is comprehensive and very interesting. I had no idea that there was such a platform with all the safeguards you mention. If I had not just started my own online business, it is certainly something I would be checking out. I was impressed by the fact that FlexJobs does not promote anything that it has not already reviewed. Thus ensuring that scams and such are excluded. So many people are looking for work-from-home opportunities these days, so your review is very timely as well.

    1. Thanks for the feedback!  And yes, 2021 might bring even more changes to our work place norms, and working from home is going to be a huge part of that.

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